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All the information we use in our platform is open data coming from the European institutions’ websites: the European Parliament, EUR-Lex, the European Commission, Ipex and many more. They are all grouped on our platform – you can access them directly from assistEU without having to navigate different websites and waste a lot of time. With our new search tool, you can type any word and find all resources related to it in only one click! Sources will always be available in case you want to check them out.

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Our servers are constantly running to provide you with up-to-date information. Activities are updated and checked daily by our team to guarantee their quality. As for the votes during the plenary sessions, our experts add them as soon as the results are published by the European Parliament, so you can access them easily from the platform. Statistics and analysis are also automatically updated with the new results.

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Our team is committed to always using the latest technologies when it comes to developing new features on assistEU. In addition to the very large amount of data available and easily accessible, we provide cloud-based tools to be consulted anywhere and anytime. Using intelligent and fast databases, ergonomic and responsive interfaces, and many advanced digital tools, we want to bring innovation in your everyday work within the EU institutions.

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assistEU was developed to help you analyse European parliamentary activity and build your own political strategies. Using specific filters as well as other useful comparison tools, you will be able to clearly understand the political position of all European players and compare them with those of their opponents. Save your favourite tabs to retrieve them in the blink of an eye and stay always up to date on the different voting behaviour among MEPs.

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Our team is continuously looking for new ways to support you and increase your productivity. Each month we add new features, new data or new options to improve the services we make available to you. Thanks to your feedback, we are able to make assistEU your essential tool for parliamentary monitoring.