MEPs, assistants, political advisors, civil servants

Make time for policies
we’ll take care of the rest.

Whether you are a MEP, an assistant, a political advisor or a civil servant working within the EU institutions, assistEU is the most useful tool to set a successful political strategy and support you in your everyday work. By retrieving parliamentary activities from the institutions’ websites and aggregating them, assistEU will provide you with access to comprehensive, relevant and continuously updated data.

Find all data in one place

All votes, explanations of votes, speeches in plenary, parliamentary questions, and other activities of MEPs are accessible from a single point of entry: your personalised dashboard. All data are continuously updated and verified by our team. Moreover, you can filter, extract, analyse them and use them to shape your upcoming activity.

Analyse your political positions and those of your opponents

Be one step ahead to build winning strategies for your party or group. Find the most relevant information about your plenary activity every day, directly in your mailbox. Stay informed before your opponents and don’t let any important information for your political activity escape you.

Get access to the plenary results in real time

A few moments after their official publication, check the detailed results of all the votes that have just taken place: group votes, national delegations positions, general trends, etc. Whether it is about an amendment or a resolution, review the voted texts directly from our platform, alongside with all information regarding that specific vote.

Receive detailed reports for the latest votes

On each plenary day, both MEPs and their cabinet staff will receive personalised reports on previous votes so they can be aware of their political alignments at a glance, as well as the votes on which they differed from their parties or their groups. Retrieve previous reports on your personal calendar within the platform.
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Tools to increase your productivity

Analyse and compare texts, tabled amendments and much more to save time in your everyday work. Save time and paper retrieving all information directly from your screen. After a text is voted, check the final version within hours, without having to wait for weeks to have access to it. Share all information and use your social media profiles to communicate with citizens.

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Your data are always protected

We believe that protecting your privacy is essential. Your personal information will only be collected for our own purposes and with your consent. Under no circumstances will it be sold to third parties. You can learn more about how we handle data here.